Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Map of Network Security Technology ( Part 2 )

Certificate Authority / PKI
# Certificate Authority. Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that provides and managing security credentials and public keys for encryption & decryption news. Certificates that are managed in the public keys that strengthens authentication, privacy & non-repudiation. # File & Session Encryption. Encryption is a process where the data on change its so hard to be open and understood by people who do not have authoritas for it. Sophisticated computer algorithms used in the process encrypt & dekrip when in need. # VPN & Cryptographic Communications. Virtual Private Network (VPN) enable secure communications over a public network the Internet. This is very save costs for companies with mobile workers or branches of companies, so that communication can be performed without the need to use the telephone network costly private. # Secure Web Servers.Tool that allows us to provide web services in an engineering environment so that security holes in its minimum. # Single Sign On. Software package that helps users to access the multiple computers without the need to remember many passwords. Single Sign On on basically does not change the underlying process, but hide the differences there through an additional software layer. # Web Application Security. Web application security will protect their web applications and resources available from the threats on the Internet, like, steal company assets, credit card theft, etc. deface sites. This is done detect / deter hacking techniques in this area.

 Vulnerability Testing

# Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based. Tool for menchek settings of the system to determine whether it is appropriate / consistent with corporate security policy. This tool commonly used by auditors.
# Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management. RTSA allows a security manager to see what is happening in the company that uses a lot of equipment from multiple vendors in real-time through a console. RTSA help reduce the number of personnel required for monitor a lot of equipment.
# Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based. Software that can simulate the behavior attacker and studied until about 600 possible system weaknesses being attacked.

Managed Security Services
# Enterprise Security Policy Implementation. Epsi allows the security manager to mengautomasi any security measures of the center console, ranging from creating, editing, approving, publishing, distribution, education, compliance, reporting and maintenance. This tool will force socialization, understanding menchek employees, noting events, and measure compliance, which in turn will help management IT risk without giving much weight to the limited staff. # Managed Security Services. Vendors that offer managed security services assume that they will gain a few percent of the outsourced work. With this way. administrators can do other work. # Enterprise Security Administration. This tool administer security level enterprise, ensuring that all users in an enterprise to obtain the rights and The same obligation. This system is particularly useful for providing access for new users, and, most importantly, remove all access for employees who already exit. # Security Services: Policy Development. Consultants who help develop security policies quickly. They generally already have a template for security policies can be implemented quickly, sepertoi use of e-mail Good, extranet to PKI. # Trusted Operating Systems. Since all the security mechanism is highly dependent on operating systems, technology trusted O / S provides the only mechanism in O / S to defend against attacks. # Anti D.D.O.D Tools. Anti Ddos Tool will identify non beresan use in the network. If there is lack beresan, the tool will try to check the legitimacy of access and recommended several preventive measures it.

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